What is it?
OrthoEvra is a square patch, similar to a small bandage, which can be applied at various places on the body. It is used for three weeks and is then removed. For one week, no patch is used. A new patch is then applied. The patch slowly releases a combination of estrogen and progestin hormones through the skin.
If certain medications including antibiotics are taken, the effectiveness of the patch decreases.
How does it work?
OrthoErva has three ways of working:
- It can prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary);
- It can cause the mucus in the cervix to change so that if sperm reach the cervix, it is more difficult for them to enter; and
- It can irritate the lining of the uterus so that if the first two actions fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the tiny baby boy or girl will die because he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.
WARNING: You may be told that the OrthEvra can not cause abortion, but that statement is based on the incorrect notion that pregnancy begins when the baby implants in the lining of the womb (about a week after fertilization). This is dishonest and scientifically false. Don't be misled.
It is safe?
No. There are reports of deaths among women who have used the birth control patch. Law-suits have been filed claiming users have developed blood clots and other serious health risks. The Food and Drug Administration has cautioned women that the patch carries a higher risk blood clots than the birth control pill.
The are other possible side effects as well:
- rashes and skin irritation at site of patch
- irregular bleeding
- increased risk of cervical cancer
- fluid retention or weight gain
- problems wearing contact lenses
- high blood pressure
- nausea
- headache
- breast tenderness
- mood changes
- abdominal pain
What is my best option?
Some people may try to convince you that OrthoEvra is totally without risk. But that is not true. OrthoEvra could be harmful to you. It also has the potential to abort your baby - without you ever knowing it.
Chastity is the best choice for single people. It helps you stay healthy and assures that you will not be faced with so-called emergency in the first place. If you are married, be faithful to your spouse; and if you really have sufficient reason to avoid having a baby right now, learn about the natural family planning.
Why take chances with physical or emotional health when you have such excellent options?
Be good to yourself. Don't use OrthoEvra.
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